Friday, March 27, 2009

Holy Hell!!

That's really all I can say about what the previous two days' WODs have been on my legs. And after yesterday, it felt like my legs could give out with every step I took for the first full hour after the workout. Let me show you why:

WOD 3/25/09
7 rounds for time of:
15 ball cleans (20#)
15 CTB pull-ups

WOD 3/26/09
8 rounds:
250 meter row under 50 seconds
1:30 rest between rounds
My times were - 46.6, 46.7, 46.9, 49.5, 49.9, 50.8, 50.6, 49.5

The first WOD included a total of 210 squats since each ball clean has two squats. I tried to power through the muscle fatigue and I kept pretty consistent but had to break up almost every round. The yesterday was rowing. I was pretty psyched for this since rowing is becoming one of my strengths. Well apparently not yesterday. I went hard but not all out on the first three to try to conserve my energy. Then on the 4th I hit a wall on the last 100 meters. My legs were thrashed already... I was screwed. The next two rounds I tried using my arms more cause my legs were done and I ended up going over 50 seconds. Luckily, it was "decided" earlier in the day that as long as the time wasn't 51 or higher you were ok. On the last row I just closed my eyes and pushed as hard as I could. I literally had nothing left in my legs. I flopped down on the floor and laid there for a couple minutes trying to find a comfortable position for my legs. Apparently there is no such position in that situation. It probably looked funny to anyone who was watching because I was pretty much laying on the floor squirming around like a child with ADD forced to take a nap.

How am I today you may ask? Sore as F**K!!

As for my little experiment I am doing, I haven't seen much of anything in terms of results or side effects yet. After the first two days my carb cravings went away for the most part. After three days I started getting tired of eating meat, cheese and nuts. And now, after five days, I don't feel any different than I did this time last Friday. I weighed myself this morning and I haven't even lost any weight. Granted I haven't gone through the weekend yet, which is where I would usually consume about a case of beer in two days. So I guess today and tomorrow are going to be the real tests. Can I make it through without drinking a single beer? And if so, will it really bring on any results?

Depending on how this weekend goes, I might add some more carbs to my diet next week. I'm thinking about adding something like an apple or orange in the morning, some broccoli for lunch and a mix of salad greens for dinner. I am still going to stay away from grains and beer though. And if the whole not drinking doesn't prove to ruin my social life on the weekends, I might extend that part of the experiment even further. It should be interesting...

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