Friday, July 11, 2008

No Hand Rips!!!

WOD: 7/10/08
Ten rounds for time of:
10 Pull-ups
20 Sit-ups
30 Air Squats

I was really excited and worried at the same time for this workout. Excited because I wanted to try my new butterfly technique on the pull-ups and worried because it was going to be 100 total pull-ups and a hand rip seemed very likely. Luckily for me, Ricky had some special tape he wrapped my bad hand in and I was pretty solid from there. The only problem left was the fact that we now have a new pull-up standard. No longer is getting your chin above the bar good enough, we now have to touch our chest to the bar for it to be a non-scaled pull-up. This put a damper on my ability to do the butterfly kips.

As for my total time; I actually DNF in the 25 minutes we were given. I got through 10 pull-ups on round 10 before time was called. I took too many break, mostly with the pull-ups to rest my hands. I am disappointed that I didn't finish but I am very happy my hands made it through! Hopefully they are just getting stronger and stronger so eventually they won't tear at all anymore.

On a sad note, I won't be at CrossFit until next Wednesday and more likely Thursday of next week. I am going to San Francisco this weekend and I don't get back until midnight Tuesday and then I am going to have to mow on Wednesday. Hopefully I am able to do something in San Fran, perhaps even a WOD or two if possible.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Shoulder Presses

WOD: 7/9/08
Press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps

The object of this workout was to find your 1 rep max with strict shoulder presses by starting at a lower weight and working up through the 5 rounds. After that you would go back to your original weight and perform the push presses with 3 reps and build up to your previous 1 rep max. And finally you would start again except with the push jerk and do 5 reps per round. Below is what I lifted:

Press: Push Press: Push Jerk:
105# 105# 110#
115# 115# 120#
125# 125# 130#
135# 135# 140#
145# PR 145# 150#

I was happy to get a new PR with my 1 rep max shoulder press but I only beat it by 5#. The push presses were pretty easy and I only struggled on the last round. On the push jerks we switched to bumper plates so we could drop them if we needed which is why I was 5# higher each round. Good workout overall and I hope to get another PR next time!!

Hang Power Snatches

WOD: 7/8/08
Rest Day

This was actually an official rest day but since I hadn't worked out in 4 days I needed to go in and do something. Ricky had us work on our snatch technique. In my opinion, the snatch is one of the hardest and most technical of the Olympic lifts. Last time we did this lift I believe I got to 88# and that was it. This time I got to 110# but it wasn't pretty. I definitely still need a lot of work on the snatch.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

I Hate Double Unders!!

WOD: 7/3/08
6 Fifty yard shuttle sprints (25 yards & back)
25 Double Unders
4 Fifty yard shuttle sprints
50 Double Unders
2 Fifty yard shuttle sprints
75 Double Unders

Rx'd at 9:07. I was the last of 4 of us to finish this workout because I suck at double unders... ugh. This was also my last workout of the whole week. Not good because I didn't work out at all the whole weekend and I definitely consumed at least a thousand adult beverages. Tomorrow is going to be rough.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Weighted Pull-ups and Push-ups

WOD: 7/2/08
Weighted Pull-ups 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3 reps

For the pull-ups I did:
10# x 3
15# x 3
20# x 3
25# x 3
30# x 2 (failed at 3)
9 strict pull-ups

55# x 3
77# x 3
88# x 3
99# x 3
110# x 3

After this WOD a couple of us did another short workout. We did one pull-up then two push-ups for the first round and then 2 pull-ups and 4 push-ups the next and so on with as little rest as possible between rounds. I did strict pull-ups through 4 rounds and switched to kipping. I made it through 10 rounds before I decided to call it a night. This short workout alone included 55 pull-ups and 110 push-ups. Once again my shoulders were dead, but in a good way.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

My Poor Shoulders

WOD: 7/1/08
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
12 Wall Balls (20)
12 KB Swings (1.5 pood)

I finished exactly 12 rounds with 5 seconds left on the clock and I called it good. This workout was brutal on my shoulders. After 4 rounds I had to break the KB swings in to 6 and 6 reps but I kept all the wall balls together until the last round when my shoulders were about to give out after the first 5 shots. I went in to class aiming for 12 but when we started I was thinking more like 10 because the workout was much harder than it looked (as usual). I was happy to get through 12 though. I actually had just finished round 11 when they called one minute left so I pushed as hard as I could through the last round to finish. I didn't even break up the KB swings in the round. Afterwards I couldn't even lift a bottle of water to my mouth to take a drink. Next time I am shooting for 14.