Thursday, June 26, 2008

Band Running?

WOD: 6/26/08
7 rounds:
30 Seconds of band running
7 full hang cleans (135#)
30 second rest

The prescribed workout was originally for 10 rounds but Ricky could tell we were getting worn out by the 4th so he cut it back to 7 for us. Thank god, I think I might have died, ha! I also had to scale the load on the cleans to 115# partly because I am still not very good with my technique and partly because I am just not strong enough yet, soon though hopefully! There were only two of us tonight because it was technically a "rest day" so Matt and I had a side bet for who got the most band runs. The loser had to do 50 jumping pull-ups. Luckily he finished his cleans quicker than me so he finished his last band runs before me, and then he made the mistake of saying how many he ran. I was 7 behind at the time so I pushed harder and I tied him. So we both did the pull-ups. All in all, I'd say it was a good rest day :)

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