Today's WOD was n0thing new or flashy, just 5 quick 500m sprints on the C2 rower: 5 all out, leave nothing behind 500m sprints on the rower, yeah... These were tough. After the first one my hamstrings were on fire, a side effect of yesterdays deadlifts I am guessing. The second was my slowest time because I was playing around with the resistance setting on the rower and I didn't like the one I used this round. The last three rounds were pretty consistent and I am happy with my performance. I'm thinking that with some more work these could become a strength of mine!
5 x 500m rows
1:37.2 (5)
1:41.2 (3)
1:40.4 (7)
1:41.1 (6)
1:40.3 (7)
The number in parenthesis is the level I had the rower set to.
On a side note :) I was thinking the today about one of the first things I remember from what Ricky and Joe told me about fitness. But before I get to that, I'm going to tell you a quick story.
Ever since I can remember, most of my motivation for working out was to "get ripped so I could get the ladies, oh yeah," so pretty much the same as reason 90% of the other guys you see at the gym. My version of working out included chest and biceps one day, back and triceps another and so on. I might throw in some treadmill work from time to time too. I was making strength gains, but at a slow pace ans I was getting bored.
Finally my Dad convinced me to check out CrossFit. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. In less than a year I have gone from 190 pounds and about 20% body fat to 180 pounds and around 12% body fat. I am stronger than I have ever been, I am eating much healthier and I genuinely feel better throughout the day. Which brings me back to what I first remember hearing about fitness from Joe and Ricky. They said that if you want the body of an athlete, then you have to train like one. Now, I am no where near where I want to be in terms of fitness but I am closer than I have ever been. I now look forward to every workout no matter how hard it looks. And my main motivation is no longer about getting ripped but about improving myself in all areas of fitness. I even eat better so I can perform better. The ironic thing is that "ripped" look I always wanted is becoming (not there yet) a side effect of my CrossFit training. Now if I could just find a way to get all the ladies ;)
5 x 500m rows
1:37.2 (5)
1:41.2 (3)
1:40.4 (7)
1:41.1 (6)
1:40.3 (7)
The number in parenthesis is the level I had the rower set to.
On a side note :) I was thinking the today about one of the first things I remember from what Ricky and Joe told me about fitness. But before I get to that, I'm going to tell you a quick story.
Ever since I can remember, most of my motivation for working out was to "get ripped so I could get the ladies, oh yeah," so pretty much the same as reason 90% of the other guys you see at the gym. My version of working out included chest and biceps one day, back and triceps another and so on. I might throw in some treadmill work from time to time too. I was making strength gains, but at a slow pace ans I was getting bored.
Finally my Dad convinced me to check out CrossFit. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. In less than a year I have gone from 190 pounds and about 20% body fat to 180 pounds and around 12% body fat. I am stronger than I have ever been, I am eating much healthier and I genuinely feel better throughout the day. Which brings me back to what I first remember hearing about fitness from Joe and Ricky. They said that if you want the body of an athlete, then you have to train like one. Now, I am no where near where I want to be in terms of fitness but I am closer than I have ever been. I now look forward to every workout no matter how hard it looks. And my main motivation is no longer about getting ripped but about improving myself in all areas of fitness. I even eat better so I can perform better. The ironic thing is that "ripped" look I always wanted is becoming (not there yet) a side effect of my CrossFit training. Now if I could just find a way to get all the ladies ;)
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