During the last metcon cycle we had a WOD that I thought should have been called "I Hate Mark" because it contained high rep legs exercises which are my nemesis. Well today was a workout that I felt was almost geared to my strengths. It was deadlifts and push-ups, both exercises I am pretty confident with. I started running out of strength on the push-ups but it didn't slow me down too much. I was pretty sure that I was right on the heals of both Alison and Brandon but they both called time as I was finishing my 9th round. Maybe it was my 10th round but I thought I had one more so I did it. Metcon #1 this week:
10 rounds
135 lb deadlifts - 15 reps
15 push-ups
Rx'd in 12:22
As for my diet, I haven't been very stringent about portions but I have been eating a good breakfast every morning and I am taking a protein and carb combination shake after I workout. Throughout the rest of the day I try to eat healthily and portion closely to Zone standards. Today I felt great prior to and during the workout and I think my diet played a big part of that. My body needs more of the grain style carbs and I can tell a difference when I eat them. I have never really paid attention to how what I eat affects how I feel and perform but now that I am it is interesting to see how much of a role it actually plays. Hopefully I can keep learning more and continually change until I find what works the best for me.
On a side note (by the way, I am a big fan of side notes), I have been playing volleyball at Digz for the past few years and I can tell a dramatic difference in my game since I started CrossFit. I am quicker, I can jump higher, hit the ball harder and overall I just feel like I am a better player. So, another area of life, outside the gym, that CrossFit has positively affected my life.
Thanks Ricky and Joe!!
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6 years ago
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