As for me? Well I'm not going to lie, I was nervous as all hell to compete in front of all those people. Just looking around the area you could see all these crazy fit people and it was pretty intimidating. Then when your heat comes up you get to stand there, waiting, for what seems like forever, for the 3-2-1 Go! But once you hear that, nothing else matters. The crowd noise deafens, your heart rate skyrockets and all you can hear is your judge counting your reps and that little voice in your head screaming at you, telling you to stop.
The first workout was 3 rounds of: 300lb deadlift for 8 reps and a 400 meter run. My heat was at 11AM. I finished in 7:01 and I don't think I ever felt worse than I did for the next 45 minutes. My heart wouldn't slow down, my head was pounding and I felt dizzy. But an hour later, I was good to go. Workout 2 was 3 rounds of: 10 chest to bar pull-ups, 10 165lb front squats and 10 burpees. My heat was at 4PM. My time was 7:51. This was the only workout I was disappointed in my performance on. Front squats are a huge weakness of mine and ended up listening to that little voice in my head too much. The final workout for Sunday was 7000lbs from the ground to full overhead extension. I chose to lift 95lbs for 74 reps. I finished this workout in 7:42 and ended up snatching every rep. I'm not sure why, but in the middle of the workout I just had this thought that clean and jerking the weight would be tougher so I stuck with the snatch the whole time.
Overall I placed 52nd out of just over 100 male athletes that competed this weekend. I am very happy with how I did (except the 2nd workout) and I can't wait to start training for the next competition! All I need to do is get better, faster and stronger :)
Also, for everyone that took photos and videos, I think we should combine them all and put them on a CD to burn for anyone that wants a copy. What do you think?
1 comment:
And yes the title is a nice little reference to Step Brothers :)
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